Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gundam Wing

I first saw this anime on the Cartoon Network many, many years ago.  I only caught an episode here and there so it didn't make much sense to me the first time, but now that I'm watching the series on DVD in order it's plain what a great series it is.  Even though I'm not much of a Gundam fan (I've only ever watched Gundam Seed and the first half of Gundam 00) it's quite clear that Sunrise went all out with this title.  Even though he is an antagonist, I have a lot of respect for Zechs.  He seems like a good person all things considered.  Granted, I haven't seen the entire anime yet so things could easily change, but so far I really like him.  The fact that he's voiced by Takehito Koyasu probably helps to sway my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I need to keep watching that show! I got distracted by my shiny PS3.
