Thursday, February 9, 2012

We make great pets

The first 4 episodes of Inu X Boku have me hooked.  I admit that I was a little leery that the main character would be a cookie cutter tsundere type.  I have nothing against those types of characters, it's just that lately they've become a bit of a cliche and pop up unannounced in many anime series, and they are usually all voiced by Rie Kugimiya so it gives one the feeling that there is a being capable of inter-dimensional travel that keeps appearing in multiple anime universes.

Anyway, the writers of Inu X Boku at least make a decent attempt at giving the heroine, Ririchiyo, a complex psyche.  In her inner monologue she states that she says the exact opposite of what she's really feeling, and that she hates that about herself.  While this is typical of tsundere, what is different in this example is that the audience gets to see the inner gears of her mind working.  It also gives the impression that she wants to change, and character growth is something that I really like to see in a series.

Also, having a handsome kitsune spirit as your personal butler would rock!

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