Friday, June 14, 2013

Osoi! Psycho-Pass

I picked up the May 2013 of Animage primarily because it featured an article on the anime Psycho-Pass.  This got me thinking about the delays between when an anime airs and when it is released on DVD etc. here in the West.

Psycho-Pass began airing in October of 2012, and finished its run sometime in April 2013.  Funimation simulcasted the show and plans to release it on the nebulous date of "Spring 2014."  Assuming that there will be no delays as there were with Fam the Silver Wing, this means that Psycho-Pass will be available to own roughly a year after it aired.

Now, my first reaction was, "That's such a long time!" but then I remembered how years would pass between an anime's Japanese air date and a DVD release.  Take Shadow Skill, for an example.  Its broadcast was in 1998, and yet it didn't hit our shores until the ill-fated ADV released it sometime in 2005.  That's a difference of 7 years!

After looking at the delays this way, I am less likely inclined to whine about Funimation "taking too long," but I can't promise I will quit whining altogether.  There is, of course, a direct correlation between my level of impatience and the amount of enjoyment I got from viewing the anime, after all.

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